Frequently Asked Questions
1. Question: What is the curriculum? (What do you teach?)
Answer: The curriculum at Prime Bank English Medium School is based on that designed for taking the Cambridge University International Examinations, O and A Level. In Nursery, we teach English listening comprehension and speaking, pre-math, and pre-science. In Kindergarten and Class 1, 2 and 3, we teach English reading, listening comprehension, and speaking, and math and science. We also teach English phonics in Kindergarten and, beginning in Class 1, Bangla reading and writing.
2. Question: What is your methodology? (How do you teach?)
Answer: Our teaching method has three components: interactive, child-centered, and values-driven.
3. Question: What are the advantages of your curriculum and methodology?
Answer: By de-emphasizing memorization and emphasizing active learning, they encourage the development of students’ creativity and thinking and problem-solving skills. These qualities are important for students’ effectiveness later in school and in the workplace. By maintaining their natural love of learning, the curriculum and methodology help students become lifelong learners. By teaching moral values and character development, they help prepare responsible citizens for society.
4. Question: Which classes do you offer and how many students are in your school?
Answer: We currently offer Nursery, Kindergarten, and Class 1, 2 and 3 level classes. Next year (2012-2013) we will also offer Class 4. Each year we plan to add one new class. There are currently more than 190 students enrolled.
5. Question: What are your school’s admission policies and procedures and what are the admission, tuition, and other costs?
Answer: We are currently accepting students for admission to Nursery (minimum age 3 years, 8 months at the beginning of the July, 2012 session) and Kindergarten (minimum age 4 years, 8 months). In general we do not accept students for Class 1-3 because of the difficulty students have progressing in these classes without receiving our English phonics training in Kindergarten.
Parents seeking admission for their child complete two copies of the application form and have their child interviewed for admission/placement by a staff member. If the child is approved for admission, the parents complete one copy of the longer Admission Form. The admission process is complete when parents pay the admission and other fees and provide the birth certificate, photos, school transcript (if any), and other required items. The cost of admission is Tk. 9,000. The monthly tuition cost is between Tk.1,100 for N and KG and Tk. 1,400 for Class 4 students.
6. Question: What are your policies regarding parents’ involvement in their child’s education?
Answer: It is an official policy of Prime Bank English Medium School to prohibit home tutoring or private coaching of its students due to the harmful effects on their academic progress and the quality of the educational environment. This includes regular assistance from any source professional tutor, parent, sibling, interactive computer software, learning the material or lessons before or after their presentation in the classroom. Use of the school textbooks outside of the school is also prohibited under this policy.
This does not mean, however, that Parents and Guardians should just leave the child on his or her own. The following are recommended ways to be involved in the education process:
Encourage and show interest in your child as a student. Ask him or her,What did you learn in school today? and Are you enjoying your classes? Ask him or her to share what was learned by reciting, singing, counting, etc. Listen intently and show approval. Reward your child with compliments and praise. Never compare him or her with another.
Provide structure and supervision for doing homework. Tell your child when it is time to do homework, keep him or her to the task, and tell him or her to stop and rest after 20 minutes. Ask your child why he or she thinks the Teacher gave this particular homework assignment. Don’t do or correct any of the homework, but look at it and, if necessary, tell the child to look over it again and re-do all or part of it. Be available for homework that requires your listening to oral recitation or interacting with your child.
Cooperate with the Teacher and school. Assist your child in bringing special materials (such as glue, a plant, or a piece of cloth) to class. Check his or her school bag each morning before class to be sure everything is in it. Be receptive to the Teacher’s concerns about your child; don’t get defensive or take it personally. Our goal is to help your child progress. Come if a meeting at the school is suggested or required.
Provide a suitable daily schedule and learning activities. Be sure your child gets enough sleep at night at least eight hours and eats breakfast before coming to school. Limit TV viewing. Read stories and poetry in Bangla and/or English to your child. Provide books and instructional toys such as puzzles and word games. Visit educational venues such as museums, concerts, the library, zoo. Allow him or her to attend special school events such as field trips.
7. Question: Is transportation available? If so, what is the cost?
Answer: Transportation is available through the Prime Bank English Medium School buses for students. In the current 2011-2012 school year, the cost for students residing in Uttara is Tk. 1,500 per month; the cost for students residing outside of Uttara begins at Tk. 2,000 per month. Transportation fees are paid on a monthly basis for 12 months each year.
8. Question: What is the school schedule?
Answer: Classes meet Sundays through Thursdays and begin at 8:30 am. Dismissal time is 11:00 am for Nursery, 11:30 am for Kindergarten and Class 1, and 12:00 pm for Class 2, 3, and 4. The school session is from July to June.
9. Question: When did your school begin?
Answer: Prime Bank English Medium School was inaugurated in August of 2008.